Which Compound Bow Packages Should You Choose?

Posted by Heidi Cridland on 9th Dec 2015

Which Compound Bow Packages Should You Choose?

Compound Bow Packages

compound bow packages

Just about anyone who has aspired to become, or has become an expert archer has faced such a situation at one point in their choice of sport. It is admittedly not easy to know which compound bow package to go for, but thanks to Combat Australia they have broken it down to a number of categories.

First and foremost it is important to note that archery is a sport that involves equipment that can harm someone if not handled correctly, so extra care and safety measures should be taken before you decide to purchase any of the compound bow packages.

With that said, let us take a look at some of the categories that Combat Australia has on some of the compound bows they sell.


Arguably the most preferred category that most buyers go for is the "best selling" packages. This is because if something is popular with the masses it must be the right one, right? Well, this may be true to some extent. A compound bow package that has almost all the necessary equipment in it is the best deal for many. However, there is no point of buying a package that had some equipment that you still do not know how to use.

-An optic aiming device is basically what you use to focus on your target before shooting an arrow. Luckily this is available in most packages, whether it is a 5-pin, or a 3-pin, or a 2-pin, the aim is to get as close as possible to the bull's eye.

-Wrist guards, finger guards, and wrist straps are also common in most compound bow packages. These are normally included to add on to the safety and comfort of using the equipment.

Standard Kit vs. Deluxe Kit

It is interesting to also note that as your level of expertise increases there are equipment that you will have to use time and again when engaging in archery. Don't let these words confuse you. For example, setting the nocking point for an armature may be a bit of a hustle on standard kit Elite Bonza Camo, but on a Deluxe kit of the same make you will have this already set for you. This ensures that the arrow doesn't bounce off the riser if too low, or damage the feathers if it is too high.


Almost everything you admire and want to own comes down to the price. You shouldn't go for something expensive just because it has the equipment you are looking for. Prices of compound bow packages at Combat Australia range from less than $50 to as high as $650. Obviously you would expect the more expensive ones to have more equipment and accessories in them. Well, if you can fit it into your budget and are sure of how to use them, go ahead and give yourself a treat to the best Australia has to offer.

The beauty of it all is that all the compound bow packages enjoy the same benefits like free delivery within Australia, 7-day return policy and many others. Delivery times may vary with the distance, but be assured that it will get straight to your door step like an arrow.